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A Provider Focused On The Health of Your Whole Self

 The Foundational Assessment


This invaluable appointment is a one-time, deep dive consultation where you learn about the unique imbalances that may be causing symptoms are impacting your health and life. 

This appointment is the first step to our comprehensive 12 month membership, however, there is no obligation to proceed with the membership.

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More Time 

This 90 minute appointment provides the space and time for you to feel heard as well as fully understand your comprehensive plan. 

 Lab Results

A thorough laboratory review of your comprehensive blood test results will be conducted discussing nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, inflammation and more.

Enhanced Support

Included in the assessment are follow up appointments with our Health Coach as well as our Life Coach to help you move into action. 


What our Foundational  Assessment does:

  • Identifies areas of imbalance and dysfunction
  • Systemically creates a roadmap and a highly personalized plan to health
  • Boosts awareness to help you make informed decisions moving forward
  • Looks at imbalances in both your internal and external environments:

Internal environment: Nutrient Status, Inflammation, Gut health, Detoxification, Genetic predisposition, Digestion

External Environment: Sleep quality, Activity level, Dietary/macronutrient intake, Network of perceived support and community, Stress management, Mental health, Toxic burden (Quality of home care products, Quality of personal care products), Home and work building environments and exposures

Your one time investment includes:

  • Thorough 90-minute virtual appointment with Dr. Katie
  • Lab review - Advanced biomarker/bloodwork testing
  • Integrative 8-part health plan
  • Virtual Health Coach appointment
  • Virtual Life Coach appointment
personalized plan to health
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Get the support you need.

Your individual holistic treatment plan is customized to your life and circumstances. We factor in a patient’s internal and external environments, and get to the fundamental cause of lifestyle driven symptoms and/or disease. We are here to assist you on this journey, and invite you to take an active role in your health. Our team focuses on patient-centered approaches to healing. We believe THIS is the way medicine is meant to be practiced.

Take control of your health.

Learn the WHY and the HOW of your symptoms and how to truly optimize your health. You deserve a physician trained to identify subtle imbalances in lab work, teach you WHY you are feeling less than amazing and HOW to make customized changes in your life. Through advanced diagnostic testing and interpretation you will gain insight into your wellness and learn the drivers of your symptoms and, ultimately, attain optimal health.


What Happens Next?

Upon completion of your Foundational Assessment, Dr. Katie will discuss with you what she believes is contributing to your symptoms. If she believes you can benefit from ongoing evaluation and treatment, she may offer advanced testing and support in the form of our year long membership.  


Learn More About Our Annual Membership Model